Friday, 20 October 2017

14/09/2017- "THE GAME IS OFF."

I have had to use 1000mg of acetaminophen this evening on account of an ache in my head.  It must have been a result of the numerous engagements I've had in cyberspace since the early hours of today on the current impasse in the Southeast. 

I am in full support of the country's military and the Show of Force in Abia unlike more than a few individuals I engaged today.  I don't believe a government is for organizing tea parties and tolerating all kinds of shenanigans all because some groups feel entitled or justified to foment trouble. Nnamdi Kanu's nonsense has gone on for too long and it's high time that screenplay is yanked off our airwaves.

He began his problems full-time when Jonathan was President and insulted him and just about every Nigerian on his radio station. He even insulted his own people.  He did all these and took it up a notch by calling for the extermination of Nigerians of other extractions apart from his. The funny part of this situation is that supposedly cerebral individuals have excused his utterances and behavior as him just being crude and entitled to his freedom of speech.

He has said he'll take the president's head and boasted that security operatives who approach to re-arrest him for flouting his bail conditions won't leave Biafra land alive. Some people either don't pay attention or they do but can't help their prejudice. "He has done nothing wrong" they say, "who has IPOB killed like Boko Haram has done" others add.  They don't somehow realize that seeking for weaponry against a sovereign nation and plotting evil is treasonable. 

There may not be a universally approved definition of terrorism but the threat of violence or scaring people is categorized as an act of terror in some quarters.  One may easily accuse the Federal government of state sponsored terror in this case but how was the situation in the state before boots hit the ground a few days ago? 

Were the people all into the secession or referendum thing?  What is their impression of the inauguration of the Biafran secret service? I don't know what the people face there but it surely can't be fun. There are non-indigenes working or doing business there, do they feel safe?  Youth Corp members concluded orientation camp a few weeks ago, did the thought of encountering a group capable of declaring a work free day in states with sitting elected governors stir them to redeploy?

What's the economic barometer in the region reading? Taraba is doing large scale greenhouse farming,  Benue is selling all its yams, Kebbi is milling rice,  Edo is opening cement plants while Kaduna is doing potatoes and feed with the Federal government involved to various extents in these ventures.  Yes, the Southeast people are industrious but has this promise of Eldorado slowed down the manufacturing businesses there because those who should be laboring are off to kiss Kanuziah's feet and give their lives for his?

One way or another, the FG alone cannot be blamed for the rise in tension; Kanu has a huge role in this mess as well. So if you must perch on your moral fence, do ensure you condemn all parties involved including the governors who allowed a con artist to direct the play.

If you must use Scotland and Catalonia, know there are other global examples and that these largely autonomously administered states have done quite well for themselves instead of playing the victim stagnation card. The United States of America have had and still have separatists groups in some locations.  Some of the stories aren't pleasant at all.  Please do not help supply fuel to this problem, the military is already involved and it is now difficult to regulate how they will act.

Talking about the military, there is a video of soldiers excessively dealing with supposed IPOB members.  They are flogged and made to lie down prone in muddy water.  One young man is obviously dead while the others lay still.  We don't know the full story yet but this is part of the demerits of military action and it should not be excused now and in the near future.

There is another video from that sector on twitter and I watched it only a few minutes ago.  It showed young alleged IPOB members stopping vehicles on a highway and asking for the ethnicities of the occupants. Some had sticks while some brandished machetes.  They looked inside one bus and let it proceed after being satisfied. Ahead of that spot was a burning articulated vehicle. I don't know what day or time that occurred but it showed that it's not all black or white with IPOB. Are they really non-violent?

Kanu is still speaking with all his arrogance but it's time for his people to resist him and drown his voice with superior arguments. He surely cannot be speaking for the entire Igbo nation. The Nigerian army is made up of Nigerians of diverse tongues and tribes. I think it's mischievous when Biafran sympathizers constantly call our soldiers "Aboki /Hausa" sent specifically to kill them.  I heard my friend's character in the movie 'Half of the Yellow Sun' say this line "the Hausa soldiers are coming” and I wondered why. I'm not sure the concept of Hausa soldiers fighting the Civil war to specifically commit 'genocide' transmitted from that time is accurate.  I'm not certain the army authorities sent soldiers mainly from a certain ethnicity to Abia just to kill people.  It doesn't help; this stereotyping.

Nigeria lost over 60 policemen and secret service operatives in 2013 when they went to secure the Ombatse group in Nassarawa. They were ambushed, murdered and burnt.  I'm not sure we can afford such losses again as those men left families behind.  I'm not certain Kanu's words to have our operatives killed should be treated as just banter.  No serious nation will take such from anyone or group. We can still modify what happens during a dialogue; when it becomes abrasive, it is like the wind.

Do your bit in your own sphere of influence especially with respect to young people. Shoot down fables and manufactured fake news especially those which promote division. Call out bigots and work with authentic information, there's this helpful tool called the internet.

Gani Adams of the Oodua people's Congress led his group to commit all sorts of atrocities in the 1990s while also pushing a 'Yoruba' agenda.  He was eventually caught in 2001 after a 20month long manhunt by Mike Okiro and his team. Gani is a much refined man now with a self-administered ‘General’ title. He made it to the National conference and also got a contract alongside some Niger Delta militants to secure pipelines under the last administration.  I wonder where Kanu and his acolytes were at that time. 

Help calm this storm and push for peace please while Kanu's breakfast is prepared.

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