Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Trump won Bigly!!!

The 'yugest' reality TV 📺 show known to mankind commences in January and it's not going to be on Netflix.

I'm awfully disappointed for all those who genuinely thought a Hillary presidency was a done deal since Donald J Trump did not clearly possess the requisite experience and temperament to have been qualified to run in the first place.  I cannot imagine how shattered Hillary must be for failing to make history as the first woman to be elected US president; it's safe to say this is it for her political career now.

I won't say I was convinced Trump would defeat Clinton at the polls but I knew he had a realistic shot considering that he trumped all others to clinch the Republican Party ticket in the first instance despite adopting numerous unconventional and largely unpalatable tactics.  Most of the polls didn't give him much hope but somehow the man was convinced he would win.  The scandals, failure to disclose his taxes and many other regrettable comments and gaffes didn't seem to affect him one bit. The energy the 70 years old grandfather exhibited during the campaign is nothing short of remarkable; he's achieved something worthy of applause irrespective of how he did it and whether one likes him or not.

I understand the "he's a racist, chauvinist and misogynist" angle; he played on these fault lines and got many of his diehard fans to buy into his narrative on political matters and Hillary.  I have read on social media where supporters of the defeated Clinton have highlighted these issues as the reason why America voted as the outcome suggested.  The fact is that Donald Trump also got votes from Blacks,  Latinos and women of all colors; it shows to me that they were other issues considered in choosing a candidate other than endemic racism but I may be very wrong.

Some people who thought Trump had no chance also thought Hillary would win in a landslide. This however did not happen as the president elect had good showings even in states which certain polls had suggested Clinton would win. I wonder if these occurrences was more of a revolt by the electorate or due to some genius tactics by the Trump campaign considering that he ran without having the backing of certain key figures of the Republican Party.

Will Trump be a good president? Commonsense suggests No considering his lack of experience on political and military matters.  It is not clear if his private sector credentials will help him in this regard but who knows what tomorrow holds?  He may just 'con' Americans and the world and be the greatest of all time. I wonder what America will have to endure when the first family get the keys to the White House; I doubt if the building can contain all the baggage Trump and his children will take along with them.

Some people had already published the obituary of the Republican Party suggesting that Michelle Obama, Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters were all in line to become POTUS in the coming years but who knows,  one of them may just be that in a few years to come. I think those Republican leaders who didn't rally behind Trump and/or publicly endorsed Hillary are done especially the older ones; the younger ones may just have a mountain to climb to become relevant again on a national scale.  The Democrats on the other hand have to present fresh options which should include Tim Kaine.

Am I upset Trump won? I am kind of indifferent and cannot claim to be as concerned as those who have America in their fabric.  If indeed Trump becomes a warmonger like many fear he would become,  then I will be really anxious.  At the moment,  I think that most of his campaign rhetoric was just to get him elected and the dust he raised will soon settle.  I don't know if it is apt to compare his promise of a 'yuge' wall to Obama's plan to shut down Guantanamo bay.

I think I should begin work on a plan to run for president of the Federal republic of Nigeria;  if Trump can trump America, what's the 'small' matter of Nigeria? Nigerians in America,  biko don't check out o. Andrew is now old there and needs company.  If you think you should flee back home,  remember there are plenty Nigerians here at home who wouldn't mind to take up your forfeited spots over there whether Trump is good or not.

I must say a yuge congratulations to the POTUS elect,  the Donald J Trump.  He triumphed against all odds and will get into the forthcoming edition of the encyclopedia after Barry Obama.

Americans it is not doom and gloom yet, you should only begin to get worried when one of the Kardashians or Kanye decides to run for the office of POTUS.


  1. It's almost surreal. Clinton as POTUS was almost a given, guaranteed.

    1. Oh yes it seemed a no brainer but the Donald was having none of it.
